
Published on: 
17 Jun 2020
Celeste McMickle

2019冠状病毒病对经济的影响将持续数年, 对人,对我们的生活方式. Remaining resilient—both in business and in life—will require every industry and individual to adapt at a pace we might never have thought possible. 应对COVID-19, USGBC and GBCI have outlined a series of actions and priorities that will support a global recovery effort and leverage the power of our community to shape a healthier future for all. 



我们致力于设施的安全和高效运行, 正如我们所知,这可以保护人类和环境. TRUE评级系统本质上为应对COVID-19危机提供了途径, 同时解决可持续性问题. 

The greatest risk reduction and resiliency strategy TRUE provides is an overarching prevention of waste (and even recyclable) materials from being generated in the first place. Less materials to handle means less risk of injury or illness for janitorial staff and waste management workers. In addition, generating little to no excess materials means reduced dependency on haulers and other outside agencies, 从而提高应对市场变化的能力. 剩下的材料, many TRUE credits and minimum program requirements encourage proper collection and sorting of solid waste and recyclable materials at the source. This reduces the need for workers to come into direct contact with contaminated materials. The rating system also includes strategies that benefit occupants and the community in a time of need, 比如食物捐赠, 利用当地企业,就地种植食物. 


During COVID19, many TRUE certified facilities have altered or halted their operations for the safety of their staff. 同时调整评级系统的原则和做法, there are some other tips and up to date resources on ensuring a safe and effective re-occupancy that the TRUE team wants to provide. 最重要的是员工的健康和安全. 

USGBC recently released a number of resources to assist with managing and re-occupying buildings, including LEED安全第一试点学分 and the Arc Re-Entry tool. Whenever possible, please take your time transitioning occupants back to facilities and try to stagger the amount of people in a space at a given time as they come back. 新冠肺炎疫情对垃圾回收行业产生了重大影响. 某些废物管理基础设施 暂时不可用, and additional waste streams have been created as safety protocols have increased globally. 在此期间,你的公司可能已经修改了你目前的废物合同. 当你的团队转换回来, 试着和你的搬运工一起工作,适当地恢复到正常的操作. 记住,由于人员配置问题,他们可能和你的团队面临同样的挑战.

随着COVID-19的出现, GBCI has adapted our certification review process to provide project teams flexibility, 帮助他们更新bt365真人工作计划并延长时间. Our goal is to steady the ship for our customers and focus on the health and safety of all people involved in certification and verification activities. GBCI’s experts are also uniquely positioned to provide all projects with information and resources on top issued related to COVID-19, 并将继续积极分享不断发展的最佳实践, assemble COVID-19-related certification feedback and guide users to carefully curated and trusted resources. We are committed to helping project teams adapt to the new reality we are facing and to promoting the health and safety of waste management workers, 并将继续采取以下行动支持您:

  1. 适应的bt365真人过程: GBCI immediately amended the TRUE certification processes to ensure the health and safety of project teams, GBCI工作人员和审稿人. This includes postponing or suspending the on-site assessment phase for TRUE certification and implementing remote audit and assessment procedures where needed. Established processes are intended to minimize the impact on projects as much as possible, 同时采取一切必要的预防措施,防止COVID-19的传播. GBCI will evaluate options for a permanent transition to remote review and assessment model.
  1. 新的best365官网登录安全第一试点学分: GBCI released TRUE pilot credits to promote best practice requirements to support the health and safety of custodial and waste management workers.学习如何利用新的学分.
  1. 受影响项目的灵活性: 一些设施要么被关闭,要么裁员, 我们理解这可能会对性能数据产生影响. GBCI is encouraging project teams to reach out to discuss options for affected facilities. Our goal is to ensure projects can feel confident in safely making changes to operations during this time without concern for how it might impact certification status.
  1. Virtual Events: 所有面对面的事件为TRUE, 包括工作坊和培训, 在2020年剩下的时间里已经过渡到虚拟活动了吗. Please visit the TRUE events page 了解更多关于即将推出的产品.
  1. Guidance Resources: GBCI will compile and share resources offering specific guidance on best practices to make health and safety an even stronger priority as we pursue a smart, 公平和可持续的复苏, including:
  1. FAQs: GBCI will continue to rapidly develop and publish common FAQ sand solutions to certification & COVID-19对包括TRUE在内的GBCI项目的bt365真人影响. 你可以在这里访问它们.

Helpful resources 

In addition, there are other measures outside of the TRUE Rating System that facilities can take at this time to safeguard occupants and the community. Janitorial staff and waste management workers have been some of the unsung heroes of this pandemic and have been working throughout this time. 除了庆祝我们社区的重要工作者, we also need to find ways to support them so their jobs do not pose unnecessary risk to their health and that of their families. 可以找到一些很好的建议 here. 保护那些从事最脆弱和最危险工作的人至关重要. 

世界各地的专家也一直在开发支持企业的资源, facilities and recycling and composting industry professionals in managing resources safely and effectively 在COVID-19大流行期间. 以下是一些我们认为可能对TRUE社区有帮助的资源:


Industry News & Thought Leadership


随着更多信息的出现, we expect to expand and refine the resources on this page with the best recommendations for precautionary measures in managing zero waste efforts在COVID-19大流行期间.

有想法和见解? 我们很乐意听到你的消息. 让我们知道什么是重要的在您的社区在这段时间通过电子邮件发送给我们 [email protected]
